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From an early age, I had a passionate interest in ethical practices and products, ever since I invested in a book called 'The Green Consumer's Super-Market guide to shopping' by John Elkington and Julia Hailes.  


It made me pause and think about the reality of manufacturing products and its processes.

The opening page writes (quoted from the Sunday Times), "We are all polluters on this planet. We burn fossil fuels, we create waste, we ravage earths resources with little or no regard for the consequences".


I am a firm believer in where and how we choose to shop has a greater impact on the world and its resources. I believe that God has entrusted us with the earth's resources and to be good stewards of it.  When we think of one another with kindness and compassion and use these resources to the maximum effort and minimise waste, then hopefully the 'cause and effect', for example, when we recycle, when we choose to actively reduce the amount of harmful chemicals in the manufacturing processes, or pay a fair wage for a service or product, it really will make a difference and an impact into the lives of others.


creation26 chooses to: 


** Use apparel from the 'Earth Positive' range. (Q: "Reduce your carbon footprint, Combat climate change and Protect the Planet". // "Earth Positive takes direct action to combat climate change and address environmental, social and ethical issues.  This demonstrates the highest possible standards in one of the worlds most damaging and harmful industries."  

Earth Positive apparel is manufactured under 'strict codes of labour practices under the Fair Wear Foundation, which promotes fair labour conditions within the garment industry".


** Use tote bags created from the 'Salvage Range - a new fibre created from discarded off-cuts left over from the production line - thus minimising waste buildup which might end up in landfill.


** Screen prints the artwork (for the t.shirts) using water based inks which work in harmony with the environment, unlike spirit based inks which can be damaging to plants, contain heavy metals and produce hazardous waste.


** Art prints are equally created from recycled papers. 


** Hand print onto notebooks made from Recycled Papers.


Become a part of the story by choosing to invest in beautifully designed products which give back to the world, and regularly takes conscious efforts to 'be a good steward of this beautiful planet'.​

















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