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a talk with Rebecca Winkels about Sustainable Fashion.

What happens when someone who is inspired and passionate about sustainable fashion, decides to create a blog (with a few of her friends, as a collective) and talk about the concerns that evolve around such topics. She then decides to interview others who share her passions, to see what their point of view is, and she decides to film it, then edit it, then show it to the world …. her name is Rebecca Winkels.

I had the pleasure of meeting such a person as this, and she choose me, amongst others including the founder from ‘My Green Bag UK’, to communicate my own ideas, on film.

I have decided to share this link with you, so, (excusing my “erms” and “errr’s”), I hope you enjoy watching it, maybe decide to become a little “greener”.

Can I can draw you in to the world of recycling, upcycling and fair trade issues? Then maybe you might get inspired to make small steps into making positive changes in your world. Just by choosing where to shop, how you want to shop, how often to shop and what happens to the product after you have finished with its use.

On similar lines …. here are a couple of others I thought I might mention.

“Another fashion blog is born. Am lucky enough to be living in the great city of London town and am sharing my adventures with the world. Find posts on fashion, art,sustainable living, music, travel and more” – spoken from the mouth of a good friend, Zaena Miller, this is her blog -

Another friend of mine, Ethical Fashion Stylist, Bunmi, who is ever so stylish, and so on the ball with trends, I love the way ‘she just creates out of nothing’. A badge here, a pin there, a dash of colour. Check out her work -

That's me finished for now.

Until next time.

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