today I am sitting at my desk, wondering what challenge I am facing at the moment and then which i need to tackle head on first … is it to start up this etsy page of mine … which of course I need to do, is it to get my paintings onto the saatchi website … which equally is quite exciting … as it is ‘saatchi & saatchi’ after all,
is it to sort out ideas for the website … yes this is also very important, is it to organise my life … into its little piles …. which i normally do do but then once i have done that, i tend to put the piles back on top of each other … which is not the greatest working method of all, wow so many so many to do lists, yikes, how does one cope, then its my reading list which keeps on growing and growing and growing …
about business and so fourth …. ‘how to start a business with no money‘ by jonathan yates, ‘how to be a time master‘ by ian cooper, ‘self-confidence‘ by paul mcgee, ‘how to understand accounts‘ by david rouse, ‘401 questions every entrepeneur should ask‘ by silvester …. one i have started and read (almost all of) is ‘one in a million‘ by priscilla shirer … such a gorgeously beautiful book which makes you feel all special inside 😉
this morning my sister and i popped into kings cross to see about taking part in the national ‘world hug’ where people, as we speak, are getting together and hugging… which began around 8am this morning … good luck to them i say, too busy being all warm and snuggly in bed at that time … so its this world record challenge where people are getting together and – possibly – hugging for 24 hours – i mean WOW …. thats a pretty close contact with someone wouldn’t you say!
gorgeously … what a fab word … especially when you add the word GREEN, there’s the ‘gorgeously green store‘, the ‘gorgeously green blog‘, the ‘gorgeously green diet‘, even the ‘gorgeously green beauty awards‘ …. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be gorgeously green … after all, it sounds pretty delightful if you ask me!
I believe, being green, turning green …. (maybe if you want to be a little green alien then it’s right up your street!), going green, it’s all the future now … save the planet, be ethical, eat well, re-cycle, re-use, buy organic, it’s all in the little steps that make the bigger steps/actions for worth while.
here are a few websites to keep you on the pulse if you do fancy turning green for a week, you never know, it might just keep you hooked?
signing off for now. hope you enjoy 😉